Supporting Charities

Donating handbags to support women affected by domestic violence

We're delighted to donate our bags and support the Love Grace handbag appeal. The appeal was set up in memory of Grace Millane by her family and friends as a legacy to help and provide practical support to women affected by domestic violence.

Each donated bag is filled with toiletries and luxury items and given to women in need of support. For the women who receive a handbag, it’s a symbol of hope, a new beginning and a reminder that they matter and people care.

The initial target was to donate 50 bags, but the appeal has gone on to distribute over 7000 handbags in the UK, New Zealand, USA, Canada, and Singapore, thanks to widespread support.

The campaign received the Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award, recognizing its important work.

If you’d like to find out more about Love Grace and the incredible work they do to help empower women, head over to their website.